Left the lake reluctantly, we could have stayed there another day or two, it was lovely and peaceful. Said goodbye to Wes & Karen with promises we’ll call and see them next time we are in Port Macquarie.
We thought we’d done most of the hills and bends, but no, there were still more. Not quite as bad but still plenty of them.
Stopped at Richmond for a break and cuppa before arriving in Hobart about 12.30pm
We’ve had a lot of conflicting reports about the Showgrounds, but it’s not too bad. We have a larger site, thankfully as we would never have fitted on the smaller ones. Lot of gravel around on the roads but the sites are concrete with fake grass for your awning. We are right at the back so have a bit of privacy as well - no one behind us.
It was lovely weather when we first arrived, unpacked a bit and put the awning out. I’ve been looking forward to setting up properly as we are here for 7 days. Well that lasted for 10 mins as out of nowwhere the wind blew up incredibly. We only just got it back up before it flew away by itself. It must have dropped 10 degrees in a matter of minutes. So that was the end of my setting up. The dust blowing around is getting into everything. Have to do a big cleanup if it ever stops blowing.
Had some lunch, then hit the supermarket as supplies were getting very scarce. $250 later, we’ll be fine now for the next week or more ( that included a bit!! of alcohol)
Wind is still blowing madly, Brian went to look for the bin on my bike and when he got off it , it took of by itself. He had to run to catch up with it - that would have been a funny sight.
After a really warm night last night, we now have the diesel heater on.
Tomorrow’s challenge is to find a Dental Technician to fix my tooth and find somewhere I can have a pedicure. My feet are not looking the best, especially after tramping around the dust at the lake. Looking at Google, I have hopefully found both, not far away and as a bonus, there is a Gluten Free Bakery there as well. Hopefully we’ll get some sightseeing in also
Groceries. - $250
Hobart Showgrounds - $315. \240 \240$45 per night x 7 days - power and water hookup