In order for the story of me to move forward, I should really go backwards. They call me Carley.
These are my siblings, there are four of us, yeah I am the one in the middle, \240as you can see I already have things figured out..
These are our parents... I never meet my dad, but the people who knew him loved him. So chances are I’m going to be just as amazing. My mom well she is pretty awesome and beautiful. I live with her in MO with our breeder Julie.

Shortly, after Thanksgiving I found out that there could be a chance I would be moving when I was ready. Julie started taking pictures of all of us often.. I began to think I could be a model!!

Meanwhile, in New England people were trying to decide if I would be the right choice. They I guess were pretty important people, Ann was my dads owner and Beth breed my dad... so you know I wanted to impress them. However, they were helping Holly make sure she selected the right puppy.
Now understand, my sister is pretty nice in her own right. But I knew if I played it cool I would be bound for great things.
Soon, we started being feed real food and Julie would take more \240pictures of us. I really focused on my cuteness during these pictures.

I am pretty sure this picture sealed the deal!
I overheard that Holly had purchased a ticket to come to MO, that ment one of us is going home... and then finally..... Julie started calling me Whiskey!!!
Score!!!! I’m going to have a person and move to Maine!
As the new year has started, Holly is planning to come get me. Originally we were going to fly home, but my brothers are headed to New England as well so we are going to have ourselves a road trip!!!
I call shotgun!!!
Stay tuned!
💙 Whiskey