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Summer School

Everyone loves the hungry caterpillar

Got our deposit back!!!

Last views

Last Bahn Mi

Building houses

My last ever class!!!

Partying hard

Last dinner

Last bike ride

It’s official! We leave in a few hours and we’re all packed up! It’s been emotional and tears may have fallen! What an experience we’ve had, we’re not sure how to put it into words! We’ve taught over 1000 students each, we’ve eaten and drunk our way across the country, we’ve lived in 2 different apartments in 2 different parts of HCMC, we’ve loved it, we’ve had good days, we’ve had bad days.... but we wouldn’t change any of it! We’re now excited for the next chapter back in London. Yet another new apartment to be found!

But first, holiday time! Singapore, Bali, Manila and Dubai. Thennnn London!!!!

Vietnam, we love you.