Day One
Never went to bed as we had to be at the Airport for 4am.
It was a nice change to not be "randomly selected" for explosives residue testing. \240Even so, they made me take my boots off and they wouldn't let me through with my hot coffee. I'm guessing they thought I had some sort of evil plan to hijack the the flight with the threat of being focused in luke-warm Arabica.
The flight from Perth to Sydney was uneventful but the trip from the Airport to Caringbah ($52!) to collect the RV cost almost the same as the flight!
We set out from the Depot in the massive 3-month old Fiat Ducato and landed straight into Sydney's legendary rush-hour. A brief stop for supplies resulted in the 7.1m long van filling 3 parking bays.
Our first real stop was Mount Keira Lookout with spectacular views from Bulli in the North to well past Port Kembla in the south. Just gorgeous.
We then cranked on to the Kiama Blowhole which was also impressive but it really made us realise that although the RV is beautiful and luxurious, it is entirely impractical due to its size. A 6-berth camper used by two people is a waste. It's hard to park anywhere and trying one surreptitious night parked up somewhere won't work as it's so clearly a camper.
We parked up for the day at Big4 Easts Beach Holiday Park in Kiama. $52 for a powered site.
Dinner was at the Kiama Leagues Club. Very nice! A free shuttle bus got us there and back.
Slept on the top shelf but found it as claustrophobic as an MRI! Woke up at midnight and as I type this it's 4:26am.
Im hoping to get away by 6:30am.