One of the greatest joys of the human experience is the ability to create joy out of wonderful memories in the past and to reconnect with those experiences to feel renewed and reenergised despite any circumstances that are currently being encountered in their lives.

For me, this would aptly describe the sentiment I feel after having made the trip to my alma-mater, TKIET Warananagar 27 years after I graduated from college.

This event which took place in the middle of April 2022 was scheduled to be organised in 2020, however was postponed due to the upheaval brought about by the Corona Virus pandemic across the world.

A team of kind souls from our batch, led by Sandeep Joshi, Parag Garud, Rajshri Patil, Vandana Samant, Vikas Surana and many others took upon themselves to organise this event and started the planning well in advance and through effective usage of social media, some cajoling, pushing and threatening, achieved the outstanding task of getting about 70 batchmates from all across India and a Sheikh Habibi from Abu Dhabi in the same place for 2 days of bliss and fun.

I have tried to describe the entire journey from my eyes as I recorded it and hope this serves as a reminder to all of us on how much joy each of us are capable of and how much love we are capable of giving and receiving with those we hold dear and trust.

As I met with so many friends, the degree of connect I felt was the same and didn’t experience any sort of judgement from anyone, everyone was exactly the same as they were 3 decades ago and greeted each other with the same love, kindness that we had as young men and women. Even the professors and non teaching staff were as joyous and genuinely happy on seeing us and this reflected in their body language, the words they said and how they listened to us as we spoke.

As I mentioned earlier, it was difficult for me to quantify in my mind, what role did the college play in my life and others, but I think the creation of a set of conditions that helped each of believe in the time tested simple values of being honest, hardworking and being good human beings are the greatest gift the college could give us and during our formative years, this has been crucial to make us whoever we are right now.

I hope the collection of images here as seen through my eyes over the couple of days helps my friends to relive these moments anytime they please and and brighten up any of their days.