
Just about to leave for the airport - Jack has found my work bag….🫣

Can’t believe our entire life is in these two bags (well and 4 backpacks) for the next 3 months

3 months of shoes….

Heathrow Airport

Bye Rugby

Hello Heathrow - possibly the coolest hotel room we’ve ever booked!

No trip is complete without a cheeky bit of emergency wheelchair maintenance 🚨

The Radisson Red was such a fab hotel with kids - I’m not comfortable with the kids being in a separate room and the pull out beds take up so much floor space.

This was the ideal solution and a great start to the trip.

Sally was amazing with the trolley

Jack enjoyed a ride through the shops

Cheeky breakfast before the flight

Insta kids 🤣

A wee bit of stress at the gate when they had to ‘de-board’ us as my hybrid handcycle hadn’t been labelled correctly but thankfully the plane didn’t leave without us!

See you in San Francisco!

San Francisco

Yeahy we made it with all our luggage!

Lovely sun and not too chilly

We went straight to pick up the campervan….all went well until we arrived at the RV park we intended to stay at at 1800 - just after the office closed with no option to stay 😬

. Cue a little stress as both our phones stopped working but our tariff said we could roam - thank goodness for free wifi at Burger King & Starbucks!

We slightly broke the kids by driving an hour down the road but managed to find a truck stop where we could spend the night - well until 3 am when Jack started bouncing off the walls!

We also encountered the slight problem of the fact the ‘bedding pack’ only contained one duvet……🥶 Fortunately the van has a heater so Jon & I just wore most of our clothes - we figured it looked a bit more salubrious than the business class cabin of the airplane so we shouldn’t complain.

Jack made us all laugh by doing laps of the car park. Sally did some cartwheels but I didn’t catch them.

Jon & Kids are now in Walmart hoping to solve the bedding situation & we’re only 3hrs from Yosemite so happy days.

Yosemite National Park

The drive to Yosemite had some incredible scenery. It’s amazing how somewhere can be so flat then become very mountainous

We stopped off to rent some snow chains just in case as we’d read that the conditions can be changeable. The shop owner was super kind and gave the kids some balloons although they did just end up hitting each other with them!

Jack got a little bored by the end

But the opportunity to take a few cheeky selfies kept him distracted..

Yosemite is every bit as stunning as billed. There aren’t enough superlatives.

The view from our campsite pitch.

Upper Pines Campground, YOSEMITE NATIONAL PARK, Yosemite Valley, CA 95389, USA

We were quite grateful for the good heater in the campervan. As most of the places we’re visiting are warm - we didn’t really pack any warm ones.

Jack was fascinated by the bear lockers - we managed to avoid Sally locking him in one!

The hunt for the biggest pine cone was won by Sally.

I was glad Jack’s wellies made the cut in packing terms as he found the biggest puddle in Yosemite and decided he was a speedboat…

The campervan was a perfect size - the kids love the crow’s nest

I was also quite thankful for the bedding disaster as it had ensured the kids has winter sleeping bags with were absolutely needed.

All the stress over my handbike was made absolutely worth it when we decided to walk off some of the jet lag with an evening stroll. The air temperature was quite cold so even though it was flat my hands would have frozen on my pushrims.

We walked to Curry Village which Jon was a bit disappointed to discover did not sell any actual curry.

A beer & a couple of hot chocolates made this better.

On the way back the rain turned to sleet then snow which wasn’t quite the weather we’d expected (winter coats/hats/gloves didn’t make the packing cut).

To Sally’s delight the snow started to lay on the ground.

We were nice and warm in the van thankfully.

(Yes mum that’s his airport book)

Yosemite Valley View

We woke to the most amazing winter scenes (at 4am!)

We left early as we’d hoped to get to Mariposa Grove to see the big trees.

The road to the Grove was over 5000 feet - the road conditions became quite tricky so we decided to abandon the trip as we had no winter clothing if we got stuck.

Dawn in Yosemite was spectacular.

We chose a nice spot for some pancakes & crispy bacon.

The view was mesmerising

A trip to the visitor centre provided some good geography education.

We learnt about how the valley and its mountains had been formed.

Jack went on a bear hunt but was a bit disappointed not to find one.

Jon bought some firewood from the shop & we went back to the campsite for some flame grilled hot dogs.

Sally made a snow creature- can you tell what kind (hint: Minecraft)

I was planning on a nice quiet cycle by myself but Jack didn’t want me to get lonely.

The views were insane.

I loved being able to get around independently without it being a huge endurance session.

Jack gave me a nice running commentary of the views on offer.

Flame grilled sausages are amazing

But we lost the sun at 1400 so retreated inside for a nap

We introduced Jack to UNO….

This is his losing face…..

This is his winning face.

The clear night meant some pretty epic stargazing. I’ve never seen so many shooting stars.

Upper Pines Campground, YOSEMITE NATIONAL PARK, Yosemite Valley, CA 95389, USA

Another early start but as the dawns in Yosemite are so special this was a joy.

Sally & Jack enjoying some solitaire.

We then got on the road to the Lodi wine region.

No words just pictures


Wine!!! Thanks to my lovely sister in law we made a detour on our way back to Lodi which is a famous wine region. So many different varieties & not a sickly sweet Zinfandel in sight.

We definitely hit the jackpot when we found a winery with a kids play area!

We could have spent hours and a lot of dollars here.

The night was spent in a truck stop - wow the Americans sure know how to travel in style. The average size ‘RV’ was a coach so we felt very small in comparison. People were super friendly so whilst I can’t say it was the poshest place we stayed it was still nice. The heater for the swimming pool had broken but this didn’t stop our little water baby from taking a dip!

Jack & I did some laundry- he managed to get 6 pictures of the washing machine before I noticed what he was doing - no wonder my phone is full!

We also visited an oil mill but they also served more wine so we finished the day in style.

We were given the most amazing sunset for our last night in the the USA campervan

Hotel Zephyr San Francisco


What an incredible city! Even with fog covering the major landmarks it’s vibrant & funky. We found a hotel that has so much for the kids - games room, dart board in the room & open fires for S’mores 😋

Magnetic dart board thankfully

Just chillin

Fire pit S’mores

Refreshing dip in a friend’s pool.

Thankfully a little warmer than the one at the RV park.

Sally negotiated a pocket money rate, drafted a contract and ensured our solicitor friend Sam witnessed it #HomeSkool

Games room in the hotel - perfect for the kiddiwinks.

Incredible views from 42nd floor

Down is definitely better than up!

Loving that the trams are so accessible in San Francisco

Tram is from 1952 - same vintage as my parents.

San Francisco

We met up with our friend Sam who has just moved out here for work to take a trip to Alcatraz. The weather was beautifully sunny.

Jack was very excited about the boat trip.

Jack wanted to know who had turned the bubbles on and if he could do it next time.

We were so lucky we saw a pod of dolphins in the bay but I didn’t catch it on camera.

Jack wanted to take over the photography & thought this flower was particularly beautiful.

The hills were a little steep but I had some extra man power

Inside of Alcatraz - the cells were so small.

The audio tour was good although Jack did ask at one point why people kept hurting each other & why didn’t they just stop.

The island is now home to lots of birds - you’ll be glad there is no smellivsion in this picture.

Golden Gate Bridge

Oreo milkshake….

Lots of sugar/energy needed for climbing hills - some of the streets were dramatically steep.

Climb was worth it for the play park.

Watching the Uber arrive

We went to Sam’s for pancakes- what a view.

Perfect end to a fab day.

San Francisco

The best part of jet lag has been we’ve seen some epic sunrises. Today we set off on a bike ride across the Golden Gate Bridge. I was so happy to have my hybrid as it meant I could enjoy the views and not find the hills too taxing.

We found a hire tandem where Jack went on the front - it was absolutely perfect for him.

I think you can tell how much he enjoyed it.

No words needed for these 🤣

Views were spectacular. The weather was supposed to be rainy…..

Powering up the hills

The back dots are a pod of dolphins 🐬

Not sure it could have got any more sunny.

To top off the wildlife spotting a sea lion 🦭 popped up to say hi as we came back into the bay.

San Francisco

Day started with some mammoth packing - we’ve only be away for a week 🤯. Thankfully we had a good barista who kept spirits up

The weather was pretty ☔️ so we decided a bus tour was the only way forward.

Top deck for Sally & Jon

Jack & I remained in the wheelchair pen downstairs.

As you can see Jack was enthralled…

Fortunately it didn’t rain all day. We waited for the sun to come out for a lunch stop.

We were reminded of our South American travel with tapas & cerviche.

There was a beautiful park which we had to ourselves.

I think the park is filled with water in the summer but the kids found a good use for the rain ponchos from the bus.

A bit more bus touring with a trip over the Golden Gate Bridge which required a little less effort.

Back to the hotel to wait for the taxi to the airport.

Thank goodness for the games room - what happened next…


See you in Fiji 🇫🇯

Coral Coast

Bula FIJI 🇫🇯

A bit of a nervous wait to see if my wheelchair had made it onto the plane but it came eventually! Sally was a absolute trouper - so helpful in all the usual chaos of getting off a plane. You never quite know what to expect even when being well travelled.

Traveling with the hybrid is quite a mission. We only have 2 suitcases for clothes yet it feels like we’re moving house with each flight. My hybrid goes in a kite surfing bag which fortunately has wheels.

Jack likes to travel in style 🤣🤴🏻

We were delighted to find the BeachHouse is just as we left it in 2005 - just a little bigger. The accessibility is unexpectedly fab - it’s something that never really registers when you’re able bodied. Even in bungalows you’d be amazed where stairs can be incorporated!

Kids couldn’t wait to get in the water - they just struggled to chose between the beach or the pool!

Beach came first

There was 30sec of hand holding before the bickering recommenced 🤣

The grass is so it’s amazing to roll across. Having the beach so close is perfect as I don’t need to get sandy to be able to watch the kiddiwinks.

Jacks getting better at UNO

The kids enjoyed watching some bags being weaved. They then went collecting flowers that had dropped to decorate them.

A cheeky bit of homeschooling after breakfast although I can’t say Jack was the most focussed

The pool is a perfect temperature and depth for me to stand \240

Jack’s swimming is really coming on.

Sallys enjoying the same swing we did in 2005 😍

We’re enjoying the same beer… 🍻

Not sure who Jack gets the showboating from…..

It’s so nice not to be cold anymore!

Coral Coast

It’s been raining nearly all day but our two ducklings haven’t noticed!

It’s really nice to just spend time together with no big agenda or place to be.

Sally had a horse riding trip along the shore

Jack & Jon crab spotting

Sally found some beautiful coral washed up on the beach.

The bay here is beautiful and the reef ensures really calm waters

30 seconds of harmony before they started fighting again 😝

Enjoying some refreshing drinks

Sunsets have been pretty special.

Jack’s rapidly becoming UNO master


Fiji Beachouse

It’s been nice just relaxing with no real agenda. The weather has been quite wet with torrential rain - we’re in the first month of the rainy season.

Yesterday was super exciting as we met up with Granny & Grandad who are in a nearby hotel.

Unfortunately Sally came down with a tummy bug but she’s now fully recovered. Jack & Jon took it for the team enjoying the pool with Granny & Grandad.

Think he may have taken Sally’s portion of cake…

Finally the sun came out again after a few days of rain 🤩

Sally teaching Jack about number bonds using some shells we found.

Kayaking!! Yeahy

Loopwheels & frontwheel making the sand a little more accessible.

We paddled out to the swimming platform for a snorkel - we saw a bright blue starfish and some beautiful fish & coral 🪸

Recreating the picture from 2005

It’s so beautiful here - after a few days of rain this sunset was worth the wait.

Fiji Beachouse

Wow what a week. Fiji is such a beautiful country with such welcoming people.

These pictures aren’t quite in chronological order but Sally decided to get her hair braided - she usually protests quite a lot with any kind of washing/brushing and her hair was suffering from the amount of time she spent in the water.


During: (Sally had to sit for 2 hrs)

Mummy and daddy did some waiting….while Jack did yet more tarmacing.


It’s quite hard to look elegant when your being photobombed by your little bro!

Let’s see how long they last!!

Earlier Jon had taken the two kids on a waterfall trip. To quote Sally it was ‘one of the best trips of her life’ although she’s said this a few times this month 🤣

They got to swim around the waterfall

Jack may have had a little helping hand/shoulder to get there.

It’s called a horsey in Fiji.

The cool thing was that we found out the trip organiser played in the game of Rugby we went to see in 2005! This is him in the red and black top on the wing.

Sunsets - did we mention they were nice?

After quite a few days of rain the sunset did not disappoint.

Chocolate milkshake time - rare moment of harmony.

Little miss snorkel

Granny and Grandad came to visit our hotel for some sundowner cocktails.

On our last day Sally and I went to an island to do some snorkelling.

We saw some fish but Sally preferred just to jump off the boat.

The island was so beautiful.

Sally thought her day could not get any better when she discovered Fanta pineapple

One of the Fijian guides was catching fish by hand with \240a harpoon.

When we got to the island Sally collected an impressive range of hermit crabs. They kept escaping even from my hat.

On the day back Sally stood at the front of the boat even though it went very fast.

We were so lucky to see a beautiful pod of dolphins.

They were so close to the boat - such a special end to the day.

Jack and daddy had fun at Granny & Gandad’s hotel


Our last morning was an early one - we had to leave by 4am for the plane.

Fortunately we had some cheeky company on the plane

Jack made sure the pilot went in the right direction.


We picked up Bertha the Brtitz van and started to drive.

Seems like a good van for some adventures.

Lake Tekapo

Lake Tekapo is stunning. The weather wasn’t so kind but the colours were still vibrant. It’s strange to think it’s spring here so the lupins are out in force.

Fortunately there were some lovely hot springs that kept us entertained.

Playing whack a mole with the fountains much to the amusement of the local OAPs..

Sally practiced some diving in the deep pool.

Our campsite had a trampoline with quite a view!

View from our pitch - we went to the local free campsite but the view wasn’t as good so we came back to the paid one 😜

Lovely lupins


Queenstown was choca so we went to the quieter Kingston. Which was lovely.

There was a flood here in 1999 which was the height of most of the houses in the village.

Nice to dust off the cobwebs from my hybrid.

Sally found a small tree

Kingston is beautifully quiet compared to Queenstown.

We had stopped for lunch Cromwell - Sally showing the locals how to lunch.

Jack loved this slide.

Te Anau

So hard to get my head around the fact it’s the end of spring here - not just +12hrs!

Got on the bike again for a nice lakeside pedal.

We found the most amazing campsite after a few days of pretty soulless campervan car parks 😍.

Warrenz in the wild

Unfortunately the memory of this idyllic campsite was a little tarnished by the fact Jack came down with a vomiting bug. No details needed other than to say thankfully Milford Lodge the next campsite had the best washing machines we’ve encountered.

Milford Sound Lodge

Milford sound is stunning but demonstrated its full rainforest credentials to us with horizontal rain that even our Cumbrian roots struggled with.

We saw some epic waterfalls & went out for a posh-ish dinner (Sally is sulking under the table).

I got up at 6am planning to kayak on the sound but sadly the trip was cancelled due to high winds. I was relieved to have been able to take the hybrid and not woken the family up for this!

Jon took the kids on the wettest walk of their lives which even Jacks wellies couldn’t stay dry in.

We took the kids on the cruise. Sally was loving the stormy weather and made the most of the borrowed rain jacket.

I tried unsuccessfully to recreate the cute picture we have of Sally from 2017… Jack wasn’t letting us stay outside near the waterfall.

Weather was a little better in 2017:

Sally’s still a big waterfall fan!

It was a beautiful campsite but the kids had had enough of being soaked so we bailed the second night and drove towards some blue sky.


Queenstown is amazing but sooooo hilly 🥵 We caught a cable car to a luge ride in the pouring rain although you’d never believe this from our photos as it blew through and we were rewarded with some epic scenery.

The luge ride was so cool. I was fully expecting not to be able to join the kids but I was wrong. To get to the top of the luge there was a chair lift - as you can see Jack wasn’t too sure on the first ride.

He did cheer up for the next two

The luge was so much fun. Jack and Daddy aced it.

Jack & Daddy were too quick for us to photograph

Unfortunately the access to the chair lift hadn’t been as well thought out as the accessibility of the luge. I think the gradient was the most extreme I’ve ever encountered.

But we got there in the end.

The view on the way down was beautiful

We then went to a bird sanctuary. Sally was delighted to see an actual kiwi bird.

Jon seems to have sprouted wings

We also met a Tuatara

Jack wasn’t so sure


Oh my goodness this place is amazing! I know everyone raves about Queenstown but Wanaka was by far my favourite place we’ve visited in New Zealand.

We hired some bikes and shock horror Sally actually enjoyed the bike ride (most usual rides involve a large proportion of complaints from little Miss Warren).

Everywhere you looked the scenery was amazing.

Lunch stop

Couldn’t resist the puddles.

One or two cheeky hills but Sally kept smiling.

In the afternoon we went to a Puzzling World

The kids tried to lose Daddy in the maze

For this nights stop we decided to try out an ‘Okay 2 Stay’ location. Essentially you pay a subscription fee that gives you a list of local producers (Cheese, Wine, Farm & Crafts etc) that will let you stay on their property for free as long as you buy something from their shop.

We weren’t entirely sure about taking the kiddiwinks to a winery but decided to risk it for a buscuit!! OMG we weren’t disappointed. Lovely Atkin’s Folly is own and run by a Geordie Couple who were wonderful welcoming hosts. We need not have \240worried about the kids - on their winery they had a menagerie of animals including some newly hatched chicks 🐥 and two trampolines.

Jack feeding the sheep some apples

The views were amazing 360 degrees

Wine tasted extra nice surrounded by the vines that had produced it.

It was certainly the best campsite to date.


When we got up Sally & I went for a paddle. I wasn’t expecting quite so many waves as a flat water paddler so this was a bit of a shock to the system.

Sally chatted non stop 😝but great to share my love of paddling with her.

After our paddle we went for a nice lunch overlooking the lake.

Jack watched a lot of lobster 🦞 TV.

Jack seems to have found my phone 🤭 The kids aren’t appreciating the scenery as much as Jon & I although we have managed to cut down a litttle on the ‘are we nearly there yets’

Thankfully the campsite had a good play park.

Fox Glacier

We stopped Ship Creek for a bimble. I was too tired so didn’t join the family in the beach trip. I was a little surprised at how sandy the kids had got on a boardwalk until I saw Jon’s photos.😝

Our campsite has some pretty cool go karts. My afternoon was spent hearing Jack tooting his ‘fire horn’ and even persuaded Jon to take him out in the rain.

Topped off the afternoon with a nice soak in the hot tub.

Hoping for some good weather tomorrow for a trip up the glacier

Fox Glacier

Just got the benefit of those of you sat at home wishing you were here. It’s been the wettest start to summer on South Island & pretty cold most of the time. \240All 4 of us living on top of each other has produced the a few colourful arguements. A particular low point was when Jack managed to bite Sally in an arguement about a pomegranate 🤯

This has been our standard view a lot of the time. Rain is quite noisy at night.

Sallys definitely missing her friends and playing with somone who is not half her age but fortunately her school teacher has been amazing and we have regular communication.

We’ve managed to lose 2 credit cards, a kindle and somehow ‘Bourgass’ (Jack’s imaginary friend) set a new passcode on Sallys kindle locking us all out of it 😝.

We also nearly ran out of tea bags…



The weather gods did not deal in our favour unfortunately but hanging around in the rain did give the homeschool a good few hours.

The cloud/rain didn’t clear so we decided to just make tracks. We had an important appointment in Greymouth that we couldn’t be late for.

The weather was much better away from the mountains 🏔️ which made the kids very happy.

There is a nice accessible tree top walk that we visited. The path was not as steep as those in Queenstown but we were glad of a lift.

Being up amongst the trees was lovely. The bell birds were particularly lovely although we never saw one.

The only bit that I could get to was the tower but after climbing all the steps, Sally reported it was quite scary so I hadn’t missed much.

This was the cantilever that wobbled quite a bit 😵‍💫.

We abandoned the idea of wild camping as thought the kids could use a play park after quite a long day.


We picked up some lovely hitchhikers!!

Quinney's Bush Camp

Again we chose not to brave the sandflies at our intended campsite but found a beautiful place to try out 6 in a campervan….

This place was perfect

Gormet BBQ

So glad we changed our plans.

Sally loved the signs.

Feeding the petting animals- the pigs were very hungry.

There were also some newly hatched chicks and turtles 🐢

And two different zip lines

Sally sent Jack down first to see if he arrived in one piece \240😂 (the first trip may have ended in tears..😬 but it was all smiles in the end).

Abel Tasman Marahau

We found some pretty cool ice creams on the way to Abel Tasman.

And some rather yummy cherries 🍒

The Abel Tasman is every bit as beautiful as the picures show.

Even if the weather wasn’t the best.

Didn’t stop the kiddiwinks from having some quality beach time.

We went on a water taxi tour where I got to sit with this cool dude.

Sally and Granny sat on the open air top deck for the whole trip. It was a little breezy!

I sat at the back - as you can see Jack was fascinated by the views 😴

We saw some seals 🦭

We found yet another zip line.

It’s nice how my mobility aids often moonlight as toys - this is his motor broomstick


Wow we’ve been away for a whole month! Feels like it’s gone quite quickly but looking back I can’t believe all we have packed in.

We stayed at Marahau for 3 nights which was lovely to stop the constant motion. Thanks Vin & Emily for the Abel Tasman recommendations!

6 in a van seems to we working out nicely. Even the weather seems to be cheering up.

We went on a family kayak trip - Jack had the best seat on the trip.

The trip back was a bit choppy but kids seemed to enjoy it.

Jack was a little jaded from several face on waves that he wasn’t sure if he enjoyed 😨.

The Beach Bach

George & Lena gave us a night off from the trip! Date night!


Time for Grandad to do some driving as we headed up to wine country- Marlborough 🍷

After a second stop at the bush camp.

Savvie - Sauvignon Blanc is my absolute favourite so this was heaven!

George and Lena gave us a second night off 🥂

Not sure we should be let out that often 😂

The sun finally came out in force! We had an absolutely beautiful day sampling Marlborough’s finest. This vineyard made us smile as Whitehaven is very close to where my parents live.

A cool sign for lunch.

We had a delicious lunch washed down with a little more vino 🤪

That evening we made use of another Okay2Stay and had a wonderful night on Nutt Ranch.

The kids loved helping sort the good hazelnuts from the bad ones.

We got shown how they crack and process the nuts.

Jack was very excited to see apples growing - he took this picture.

The evening was stunning.

Homeschooling washed down with a little YouTube.

Anakiwa Boat Ramp

More kayaking!! The Marlborough sound was absolutely stunning. We even saw a few stingrays.

Jack was chief pumper for this expedition but he took Granny & Grandad for a sneaky coffee while we paddled.

After the kayak Sally & I cycled while Jon ran back to the campsite (nearly 10km)

I had a cheeky tumble as the path was a bit rough for my chair but no harm done.

Sally loved the bike ride and the scenery was breathtaking.

Sally found a huge pine cone

For our last night in South Island Jon picked a stunner of a campsite.

Sally completed a ‘triathlon’ by paddling,cycling then swimming!

Some mega cute ducklings.

Jack is very helpful carrying a rubbish sack almost as big as him!

Skidding to a stop

Thank you South Island. We’re very sad to be leaving you but on our way with so many happy memories.


An early start and a super wiggly drive with more epic views


The ferry was more like a cruise - the views were stunning.

It was a bit windy for Jack outside

We had a brief stop in Wellington so George & Lena could pick up their hire car (they’re off to New Plymouth tomorrow).


Today was a traveling day so we made good progress up North Island.

The kids were rewarded with a dip in our private pool (not really private - no one else was nutty enough to go in it).

Jack’s swimming has really come on - he doesn’t really need the arm bands anymore.

Sun finally came out for a park trip.


Today was Grexit - Granny & Grandad were off in their hire care to New Plymouth. On paper 6 in a campervan should be a little snug but actually it was lovely. The kids loved having company in the back and we all enjoyed visiting some lovely sights.

Last pancake brekkie before they left. Jon has absolutely nailed the campervan pancake recipe!

We had so much fun together.


Another day, another bike ride.

Sally even managed a smile 🤪

We set off on the ‘Old Coach Road’ - supposedly a nice family track with just a few cobbles - I should have been more suspicious when they said it wasn’t suitable for a tag-along for Jack..

It was great to get a lift up to the top

Cheeky obstacle - Jack was the only one to nail it 😂.

There were some amazing views and the first section was fine.

The main issue is that when you’re going uphill the front wheel with power just spins out. Also going downhill you just slide rather than slow down.

The fun really started half way through when there was no going back 😬

I needed to use pretty much every working muscle & so did Jon to get us through.

Old loose cobbles with 3 wheels was nuts - Jon had to rescue me a few times on this section.

Narrow paths with steep drops gave me a few extra grey hairs, scratches & bruises. Sally was a pretty cute winglady & Jack didn’t seem to mind being left amongst the bushes whilst Jon conducted yet another rescue 🚨

We enjoyed the tunnel but it was pretty dark without lights.

The viaduct was so high

Sally & I didn’t want to hang around too long.

Jack sounding the alarm for yet another rescue. Fortunately the track was quite quiet.

We survived although I’m going to leave the grade 3 tracks until my skill level is a little higher in future.

Jon had found us a nice campsite with a view of two volcanoes.


No time to rest my aching bruises as we’d booked a family rafting trip the next day.

Seeing the kids really excited was beyond cute. It brought back happy memories of my childhood rafting down the Gorge Du Tarn. As the water was only 7 degrees we had a little more equipment!

Cheezy grins all round

No need to watch the entire film but the first rapid & Jacks face is super cute! (It’s a 360 degree video)

I think the rafting was my absolute favourite of the activities we have done. I wasn’t expecting Jack to enjoy it so much. It was so cool to be able to all enjoy it as a family.

After our paddle we headed on up to Lake Taupo. Jon and I had been to a cool place called Craters of the Moon - a geothermal park where the ground bubbles and steams.

Jack wasn’t so impressed with the sulphur smell. Thankfully the whole walk was a board walk so I could just about make it round with the kids.

Happy memories down the lane!


After a night in Taupo we met up with Granny & Grandad again for a thermal spa.

There was an adults area but the kids thought this was more fun. Thankfully the water was warm as the air temperature was quite cold 🥶

Sally made full use of the slides pass

We had a lovely meal together then went our separate ways for the final time 😢 and we headed off the Rotorua.

The weather was a bit grim but we had a great morning at Te Puia. It was nice to learn a bit more about Māori culture along side the geothermal wonders.

The geyser looked spectacular despite the mizzle.

The bubbling mud was our favourite.

Two trainee tuatara train drivers.

I’ve creams curtesy of granny & grandad.

Mclaren Fall Park Lake

This campsite was beautiful. Virtually no-one else there - I can’t begin to wonder why no-one else fancied the cold wet weather for a camping trip?!

I can report the ducks were very well fed & Jon even had to rescue a teeny duckling from an aggressive blue bird. The kids were a bit traumatised by this but thankfully after a bit of a rest it swam off with its family.

Sally & I went on an evening glow worm paddle. We thought this would be fairly straightforward as we booked a campsite of the same name as the meet point. Unfortunately things are never that straight forward and there were 3 massive hills between us and the meet point - after my mountain biking experience I knew I wouldn’t get up them never mind down!

We had a chat with one of the rangers and found a lakeside pitch that had a path which was fairly flat along the lake - fine but maybe not in the pitch black! We decided to give it a go after a recce.

It was so worth it!

Sally absolutely loved the paddling and as there were only 2 other people on the tour she had to do a fair bit.

The lake was so calm it was beautifu. It made a change from all the sea kayaking and rafting we’d been doing. l

I don’t have the glow worm pictures but they were spectacular. Sally absolutely loved it. I’m also pleased to report that we made it back to our campervan without falling into the lake, crashing into a tree or a ditch 🥳. It was VERY dark however- thank goodness for smartphones! \240


Our original plan had been to head up to Coromandel but the weather forecast was so wet that we couldn’t face a repeat of the Milford Sound experience. We decided to embrace being in a movable house with no firm bookings! We changed track and headed for some sun.

We didn’t find sun straight away but we did find some nice cycle paths in Hamilton.

Which had some nice cafes

And some small 😳milkshakes

We dabbled in the Okay2Stay directory and found another cracking place to stay. Reminded us a bit of Cathope’s Manor Farm!

As old as me 😜. They had a spectacular play park and cafe.

That night I finally persuaded Sally that her hair was looking very scruffy and it was time for the braids to go.

It’s probably good there was no-one within earshot 😂

One of the best brekkie’s of the trip!

New Zealand’s babychino- a fluffy! Complete with a chocolate covered marshmallow.

We decided to abandon all plans to go to Coromandel and headed for the West coast.


Well hello sun 🌞. Raglan you are amazing and just what we were looking for. These pictures don’t do the sand justice. It’s the sparkliest sand I’ve ever seen.

Building dams got a bit much.

We had an absolutely delicious tea made by the jolliest chef ever (some call him Bourgass).

We’ve learnt the prime pitches are by the play parks.

This is the ‘Sally & Jack Show’


A day to chill and just soak up some of the lovely Raglan vibe.

I got to have lunch with this cool dude.

and dudette

Jon took the kids to the beach for a little evening sandcastling.

Raglan Surf School

As Raglan was the surfing capital of 🇳🇿 Sally & I thought we’d give it a try.

It was unbelievably cool even if it was pouring with rain. I got a lift down with the local surf rescue so didn’t even have to worry about how I’d get to the water.

Jack was very jealous I got to wear a helmet!

Amazing Sally got the hang of it straight away

Jon & Jack came down to the water to cheer but left maybe a bit wetter than Sally & I! Didn’t seem to dampen his spirits though.

They then went back & prepared warm drinks for us when we’d finished.


Time to say goodbye to Bertha and New Zealand 🇳🇿. We did 3900kms in total.


Jack liked the airport viewing screen - especially as it had the runway at the back.

Sydney Harbour Bridge

Goodbye 🇳🇿 G’Day 🇦🇺

The bell hop at the hotel had some interesting moves 😂

View from room is not too shabby either!

Nice fireworks display to calm the kids.

Jon & Sally are doing the bridge climb tmw.

Rooftop pool - shame it’s not very accessible. Jon & I are enjoying a trip down memory lane as we were here 20 years ago on our honeymoon in the same hotel.

Jacks pretty cute around music 🎵 even if it’s background style mu🥴sick!

Jon & I aren’t quite sure where he gets all his moves from!

It feel so weird not putting the kids up in the crows nest & just having them next to us.


Jon & Sally did the bridge climb - it brought back quite a few memories from our honeymoon

I was a bit worried incase Sally didn’t enjoy it but she came back buzzing. For once she loved both the scenery and the commentary.

Jack and I enjoyed a flatter sightseeing tour on wheels/foot - well mostly wheels - Jack loves to hitch a ride. I usually keen to work off the hotel brekkie!

It’s been so nice to spend so much time with the kiddiwinks. To just notice them interacting with their environment. Yes there have been some stormy times & Jack absolutely loves to wind up poor Sally to breaking point (Mixi - does that remind you of anyone?!). At home especially following covid and finishing training life had just become so hectic. I say yes to far too many things and that takes me away both physically & mentally. I can’t make up for that but this trip has definitely made me realise what I need to do more of.

Waving to the dots on the bridge hoping Sissy & Daddy will see us.

‘Mummy there’s a picture just like this at nursery’ It was so cute to explain to him that this is the actual opera house and the one he saw at nursery is a picture of this one.

While we were out and about an Australian Naval ship came home - complete with fly past and white uniforms on deck. It was nice to think this crew would get to spend Christmas with their families. Jack gave them a good wave.

After all that exertion Jack enjoyed a little treat - can you guess the flavour?!

The bridge summiteers returned.

We enjoyed a little cruise around the harbour but the conditions were very choppy.

Sitting at the back of the boat it was quite exciting to be thrown around. (Not)

This evening Sally had a very exciting call with her class. She’s been keeping her own blog so it was really nice to see her friends on the last day of term.

We did spend quite a bit of time setting up 🤣

And made full use of all available equipment 😂

Circular Quay

The view from our hotel room was amazing but I’m glad I took so many pictures as this morning we woke to this

A bit of a stark contrast to this:

Pancakes On The Rocks

Just like that it’s goodbye Sydney! Jack loved it here.

We enjoyed some pancakes at pancakes on the rocks

And a bimble around the Christmas markets. Jon & I can’t get our heads around tinsel & Christmas trees in warm weather!

Jack was fascinated by the McDonald’s order delivery system.

Thankfully we fed the kids as we hadn’t realised that Virgin Australia is akin to Ryanair with no screens or food service so we were totally unprepared. We also hadn’t realised that you needed about 3 different apps to check in which made the whole experience pretty stressful but we got there in the end. I don’t want to travel on an airline that allows 23kg luggage per person but doesn’t allow 4 people to check in two bags of 25kg. With the hybrid any more bags would send us over the edge. Thank goodness I brought the triple wheel bag…


Salam from Bali!!!

It’s nuts to think that the most of our flight was just over Australia! Possibly one of the most challenging flights due to our lack of preparation & lively children without the usual headphones to down. Anyway job done & Bali is definitely worth it.

It’s so nice when the online pictures actually look like the place you’re staying.


Too cute not to share 😂

Sorry this stupid glitchy app hasn’t synced again 🙃. I was trying to have a Christmas break but will have to redo this post. I like being able to keep everyone updated but clearly chose the wrong app 🙄


Wow! Beautiful Bali ❤️

Too cute not to share!

Our villa is outstanding. We’re just on the edge of Ubud but it’s so peaceful. It’s hopeless in terms of accessibility but with a pool on our doorstep it’s not a showstopper.

Sophisticated Sally at brekkie

The kids loved the butterfly decorations on the drinks - there were days we had to order 2!!

Sally was absolutely delighted to discover that pineapple jam is served with the toast.

It’s just stunning here

My beautiful flower 🌸

The last outing of the armbands!!

The tree above our pool dropped beautiful flowers in at regular intervals.

Not entirely sure this was the intended use for the pool decoration but it was a lot of fun judging by the giggles.

And he’s off! Our little duckling.

This rapidly progressed….

Daddy & Jack went on a field trip to get some washing done.

Sally and I attempted some fractions but decided that daddy was better placed for this so we did a few English lessons.

Boyz on tour

Teaching Jack his numbers by playing dominoes.

So beautiful I couldn’t stop taking pictures.


Daddy demonstrating his sophisticated side.

The outdoor bath was very cool - despite the pool Jack asked if he could have two a day 🤣

Not sure our family should be allowed an infinity pool….

The kids loved the towel decorations.


It was quite hard to find a cycle company that had a bike small enough for Sally but Jon’s persistence paid off!

Apparently Jack did most of the driving.

Bamboo e-bike!!

It was such a beautiful way to see the rice fields and experience some Indonesian culture.

We saw a temple where they were having a ceremony.

The paths were just wide enough for my wheelchair.

The rice field views were stunning.

Sally found a very cool swing. We were delighted it came complete with harness.

Didn’t look too far from this view

Or this one…

But this one 😳

This was our favourite place to eat. Such an incredible vibe & delicious food!

Our first trip there involved some unusual entertainment- jumping out of the window onto the street 😮

The water temple with the lotus flowers 🪷 was beautiful. Jon found a great cafe that I could watch from rather than have to navigate 1000s steps. Steps are everywhere in Bali 😟 so I’m incredibly grateful to be able to get up some with crutches.

We also went to the monkey forest but had a helpful tip from a friend that a nearby cafe was a good spot to watch from.

The monkeys were so cheeky - we saw them ripping apart motorbike helmets, bike seats and windscreen wipers 😳


Water temple at night with some beautiful Indonesian dancing

The rabbit 🐰 dance was our favourite.

Thank you Oldfield’s - still bringing joy and screen free meal times 😂

I absolutely can’t take enough pictures of this pool.

There was also a very cool outside shower

Jack was getting braver and braver in the pool.

Club Med Beach

Jack and daddy went for a little smartening up before we left Ubud.

Jack’s first ever non-Cheryl cut

He wasn’t so sure about the buzzing!

Time for a little festive celebration. This hotel stay was a little Christmas present to ourselves but this place was extra special as it’s where my sister in law Fitri used to work.

Don’t look too closely at Jack’s hand signal 😂 - was supposed to be the surfing one from Raglan 😂

There was so much for the kids here.

Jack was pretending he was using this trampoline to fix the roof 😂

Sally even managed a flip but mummy was a bit slow with the camera.

There was also a trapeze which Sally also managed to hang upside down from.

Encouraging independence by ordering their own drinks at the bar.

Jack was really chuffed to get 2 wrist bands in his favourite colour. The band also worked as the rokm key which the kids loved.

The weather curse followed us yet again - a tad monsoony.

It was hard but Jon and I toughed it out!

Jack loved having his photo taken 🤩

It was hilarious- Jack called this character Baby Yoda 😂

The kids struggled to get their heads around a hot Christmas but got there in the end.

Club Med Bali

Operation Christmas!

The hotel did a great job of ensuring Christmas was celebrated & the kids loved it.

On Christmas Eve Sally helped Jack to write to Santa - he made us giggle for asking for cash 💰 and a toy train 🚂

Even Jon - aka Scrooge got into the spirit.

I volunteered to replace a raindeer 🦌

The circus team let us have a go at spinning plates.

Sally was pretty good at it.

Later that day there was a procession with a marching band. The kids got dressed up - Jack looked super cute.

Sallys smile could be seen from the other side of the resort!

The weather wasn’t dampening the festive cheer

Christmas Eve brought out the chocolate fountain #winner.

In the evening there was a show based on the greatest showman which was fab. It brought happy memories of taking Sally & her friend Ethan to school in Reception when they did not allow me to play anything else!

The ice sculptures and general carving of fruit like watermelon were spectacular.

Christmas Day! Simple but wonderful.

Thanks to both their wonderful granny & grandma there were presents to open & chocolate to be enjoyed.

And a chocolate fountain at breakfast 😳

Santa managed to make time in his busy schedule to give a few presents.

Jack was especially pleased with the minion paper.

Jack got a cool dancing robot and Sally a very cool Uno/Jenga game

The weather played ball for 30 mins to facilitate the foam party - which Sally absolutely loved.

Can you spot her in the next few photos 😶‍🌫️

Having a Christmas dip in the pool.

Jacks signature dish - plain pasta with a little cheese finished off with yet another chocolate fountain dessert.

Sally went to take part in the mini club show while Jack went to the beach.

Jack and I then treated ourselves to a festive nap.

Unfortunately we missed Sallys show but Jon said it was fab. Sallys such a sociable little butterfly. We loved the seclusion of our villa in Ubud but it made Sally very homesick. She was so happy around the kids club and other playmates.

Her makeup was beautiful.

Candy party because there isn’t enough sugar in Christmas!

I think this sign says it all!

We were really touched to share our Christmas dinner with Rian a friend of Fitri’s.

He gave Sally a lovely pink bracelet to add to the growing collection! It’s so nice for her to have a memento.

Party time!

Jack absolutely loved the show.

After it the weather gave us a break for fireworks

Merry Christmas to all ❤️


Happy Hanoi

We just paid for the weight of my handcycle as I couldn’t deal with the stress of them potentially not taking it. You realise how privileged you are in the western world as all other airlines have just taken it for free.

Perhaps the coolest dog ever!

Despite only 7hrs sleep the kids were very good on the transfer to Halong Bay

Hạ Long Bay

No words just pictures

Pearl farm

Ice cream

Bourgass wanted to join us on the cruise…

Can’s believe that Katie Kiwi hasn’t been lost yet!

Our home for the next two nights


Eeny meeny…..last one to bed sleeps on the floor 😂

Kayak time!

Wow 🤩

The kayaking was cool although the tide was nearly at its lowest so trying to paddle against the flow of water out through the caves was a little cheeky.

Jack provided the boat with some free entertainment.

Floating corner shop.

Thank you Granny for the monopoly game!

I’m not quite sure Jack understood ’Happy Hour’

Sally learnt how Vietnamese spring rolls are made then made some delicious ones.

Stars were pretty special

Cát Bà Island

I’ve finally found a form of cruise that I love! This boat was absolutely stunning. I loved the styling. It was such a bonus as I’d only booked this one as they did a triple room so the kids could be in with us!

It’s probably the first time in my life that I’ve taken a picture of a sink but it was just so beautiful!

The weather was cold & overcast but didn’t spoil the scenery.

Star jump competition.

Our day trip was to a village, some kayaking and a visit to a beach/swim spot.

The kids were getting a little bored until they spotted someone on a cruise ship having a shower in a glass fronted bathroom…..spotting the next nude tourist became a sport.

Cruising with a couple of cool dudes. The village trip involved a bike ride or golf buggy tour. Unfortunately I’d left my hybrid in Hanoi as didn’t think I’d need it on a boat 🤦🏻‍♀️. Kids didn’t mind the granny cart trip though.

Jon stayed on two wheels.

There was an unfinished section of road so I ended up getting a piggy back ride through the narrow path. The kids enjoyed the entertainment of this.

The unfinished sections seemed to be quite widespread although the golf buggy’s seemed amazingly robust!

Sally was absolutely delighted to visit a river fish spa. I wasn’t so keen on trying it.

It was mega cute at one point as Sally jumped when the first fish had a nibble. She then apologised to the fish for making it jump much the the amusement of the international tourists around us.

It was interesting learning about how rice was processed on a small scale

Sally liked the paddy field bridges & walkways.

The scenery was beautiful I liked this canopy section to the road and the subsequent tunnel.

My wheelchair enjoyed the view!

Our boat was named after a Queen…

I was a bit braver on this kayak trip & took my phone.

Seeing the floating villages was amazing. I can’t imagine living my whole life off land.

Some lovely Australians we met on the way here shared some interestingly flavoured crisps with us -🦞 lobster salt with egg sauce - kids loved the crisps but said when they looked at the picture that there’s no way they would eat that food 😝

It had gradually got colder as the day wore on…a bit unfortunate that the swimming was the last activity of the day…🥶 as we were all sat around in jumpers and coats. It was very tempting to just skip it but when they offered the opportunity to jump off the top of the boat… the kids & I thought we’d give it a go.

Sally was absolutely incredible. She just climbed up and jumped - I was expecting her to have a look then decide it wasn’t for her. We were all so surprised that Jon nearly missed in camera!

The climb up to the boat was going to be a mission for me to I just went from the bottom floor of the boat.

Jack had come with me and decided that if Sally & I were in then he should also give it a try. Despite me telling him it was quite cold he also surprised us all by jumping in too!

I can’t tell you how proud I am of both of them. I’m definitely counting this as a PE lesson 😝 #HomeSkool.

Jack enjoyed the prawn 🦐 dishes - Sally wasn’t so keen on the eyes - reminded me of my Great Uncle Ron.

After a lovely dinner Sally tried her hand at some squid 🦑 fishing but the water was a little too warm but she was pleased for the environment that she caught a plastic bag.

Hanoi Old Quarter Hotel

Cruising is exhausting work

Solidarity moment of being super cute - and not fighting 😂

We came back to Hanoi

It’s so unbelievably hectic. There are not enough adjectives in the English language!! It took us 20 mins to cross the road. All the paths are full so you have to join the motorbikes, cars & buses on the narrow streets. Somehow it works but it was pretty alien to us!

Hanoi has some lovely parks - can you spot Jon & Sally?

Jack was enjoying most of Hanoi from my knee - mainly for his own safety!

On the first night we escaped to a rooftop bar as street level was sensory overload.

Jack brought Bourgass (Jack’s imaginary friend who get blamed for all things naughty) along but luckily as we were eating early we had the pace to ourselves.

Hanoi Old Quarter Hotel

We had a waking tour around Hanoi from a couple of students.

We visited an ancient house and learnt about why they are built in the way that they are. Tax was paid per meter frontage - that’s why they are so narrow but apparently it’s good luck

If the back of your house is wider than the front.

There are some fish in this small pond.

These windows used to be for the owner to check up on his staff - Say thought I wasn’t working hard enough.

More streets at viewed bt Jack.

The Hanoi Hilton Jail

The kids found some of the displays a little amusing.

After our tour we had some traditional noodle soup literally sitting in the street.

I can’t believe what can be carried by motorbike.

In the afternoon Jon took the kids to a puppet show which they loved. They had a trip back in a cycle rickshaw.

And an ice cream

In the evenings the Old Quarter comes alive - we had a lovely BBQ.

Jacks body language says it all!

Cool coffee & people watching on the last morning.

This was actually an old train carriage!

People/street watching is fascinating.

This guy won the prize for the most interesting motorcycle load!!

Ninh Bình

We left the hectic Hanoi behind and headed to the countryside.

Who needs a massive party when you can hang out with these two cool dudes.

Especially when they dance like this (recreation of ‘Jonny song’ from Sing 2).

Goodnight 2022 you’ve been a cracker.

Trang An Departure Boat Ticket

The resort is beautiful and so peaceful compared with Hanoi.

The pool looks beautiful but it’s pretty cold 🥶 the kids went in for 30sec - even hardy Sally didn’t last long 🥶

Each morning we have to inspect the banana 🍌 tree - still green 😂

After a lovely breakfast we went on a bike ride to Trang An.

Sally went on the back of Jon’s bike & Jack went on my knee.

Trang An is incredible I can’t believe it doesn’t even get a mention in the lonely planet. Ninh Binh apparently used to be the capital of Vietnam and is sometimes known as Halong Bay on land. I can absolutely see why it’s beautiful. I think I actually prefer it to Halong Bay.

We went on a boat trip - we couldn’t believe how many boats there were. At least 1500.

The boat went trip through 9 different caves! It was brilliant 🤩

The paddling gene is strong in this one - he became a bit of a tourist attraction- as blond haired boy. He was a bit upset that they shouted baby at him 😂

The trip included a a few temples but I left Jon & the kids to enjoy these!

The water lilys were so beautiful- I could t stop taking pictures of them.

Some of them were so low you had to duck down.


After this we stopped for lunch half way home.

The are a lot of Koi carp - I hadn’t realised there were quite so many colours!

There was some interesting food for sale along the way.

This is the view from our room

Tam Cốc – Bích Động - Ninh Bình, Việt Nam

A little bit of a distraction to start to the year as I had to apply for a permanent consultant position (my current job which I start on 1st Feb is only temporary) and a cheeky tummy bug for Jack & I but we’re all good now.

We used the bikes again to get to Tam Coc. This was also lovely but the weather was a bit mizzly and it felt a lot more touristy than Trang An with people trying to sell you things.

Jack and I were a bit of a tourist attraction in ourselves 😂 Sally loved hitching a ride on the back of Jon’s bike - the driving was pretty crazy so I was quite glad she wasn’t on a bike of her own.

Kids entertainment at the lunch stop en route - Jack managed to bang his head a few times hence the helmet!!

Jack’s a big fan of Vietnamese food!

The flora & fauna here is so interesting.

It’s amazing how every scrap of land is put to good use - there are so many beautiful vegetable patches.

This was taken by the ATM where we lost yet another credit card 🤦🏻‍♀️.

In Tam Coc they row with their feet - it’s so impressive to watch!

Jack was a little disappointed not to be able to join in the rowing effort on this trip.

Lots more impressive scenery even in the rain ☔️

These caves were a little shorter but no less impressive.

A cheeky snack of Sallys favourite food - can you guess what it is?!

Nice corner shop on water - even sold beer 🍺 #HappyJon

Jack was pleased to see the ‘tractors’ working in the paddy fields - he reckoned Edison (his nursery friend) and him would be good at driving them.

The roads were nice for leisurely cycling - Jon’s bike had no gears but the roads were mainly flat and there was not too much traffic.

It was the perfect way to enjoy the scenery.

We’re in the off season but when the water lilys are in full bloom there look to be some amazing walkways.

That night Jon & the kids had a very cool (or hot) goat hotpot with enough food for about a week 😂. I was a bit under the weather so enjoyed a bit of peace.

Ninh Binh Railway Station

It was time to say goodbye to our beautiful countryside retreat and set out into the unknown of an overnight train. Moving all our stuff (well mainly the handbike) is such a mission. It looks like we have loads but actually our luggage is just in two suitcases.

The station was the most accessible place I’ve encountered in Vietnam. I could get all the way to the train 🥳

Fortunately the train station wasn’t too crowded.

A slightly grumpy porter.

Getting on the train was a massive mission -we nearly didn’t make it with all our bags as the first couple of doors wouldn’t open - thankfully the railway staff helped Jon by throwing the last suitcase in as the train moved off 😳. Vietnamese people are really helpful in this respect which has been a nice experience.

Our cabin was a little fuller than most 😂 thankfully we didn’t have to share it with anyone. It brought back happy memories of my childhood and sleeper trains in France.

Jack gave a running commentary of all the people passing our cabin🤣

There was lots of food on offer - Jon did try some pork rice porridge & some meat wrapped in banana leaves but the kids & I stuck to a pot noodle.

Goodnight 😴

Popcorn for breakfast- winner!

The views were beautiful even if the weather still isn’t on our side!

We made it to Da Nang! Thankfully it was a 40min stop so we didn’t have the same stress getting off the train as we did getting on. This was super super fortunate as in the mele we managed to leave our bag with all our iPads/kindles & passports in the cabin 😳😳😳😳. Super massive heart in mouth moment but when Jon ran back the train was still there & bag was in the cabin 😅. It’s crazy to think this kind of thing would happen but it’s so hard with the stress of unfamiliar surroundings, people trying to be helpful, Jack being a bit freaked by all things new and poor Jon having to single handedly wrestle the handbike & luggage & often my wheelchair 🦽. We’re definitely out of our comfort zone but it’s been great to give the kids this experience & we are loving Vietnam.

Da Nang

Weather is a little stormy ⛈️

Doesn’t stop the kids enjoyment of the beach however!

These flowers are huge - they’re so pretty

The resort is quite big so some tired legs got a lift.

I was delighted with this hotel as they found a ramp for me - this might seem a small thing but it is brilliant to be able to get in/out of my accommodation independently- this is a first for Vietnam.

We went to a cool steak 🥩 restaurant where you cook your own on a hot stone.

Jack didn’t really give Sally a look in

But she enjoyed eating the steak a lot more than Jack.

Ba Na Hills SunWorld

After being in the countryside and having a very traditional Vietnamese breakfast we made the most of the international buffet here!

Fit for kings & queens 😝

Ba Na hills is very eclectic. There is the cable car but then at the top there is a French village with a theme park in it. The kids reported it was the best day ever 😂

This place is best enjoyed in good weather- unfortunately it’s due to be rubbish all 4 days we’re here so we just decided to go. It’s got (or st least had) the worlds longest cable car ride. There are some stunning views but we weren’t able to see them 😂 this is the official site: https://banahills.sunworld.vn/en

I’m slightly obsessed with Vietnamese decor and architecture - it’s so beautiful!

The last of the view before the low cloud got us.

It must be amazing to visit when the temperature in Da Nang is 30 degrees as it’s a good 10-15 degrees cooler at the top. As it’s only 20 degrees in Da Nang it was pretty chilly - nothing out British blood couldn’t cope with however.

We couldn’t see much so had to take the pictures word for it 🤣.

Something for everyone here 😂 🍻

There was an inside theme park so Sally took Jon on a few rides. Unfortunately as Jack’s just below 100cm there wasn’t much he was allowed on.

We did enjoy watching though.

Jack wasn’t too sure about the Jurassic \240Park 🦖.

It was surprisingly accessible - well if you call this leathal ramp accessible 😳. However given most places \240are not at all accessible, it was great to be able to get everywhere I wanted to. There were a couple of hairy escalators so I definitely needed help & I felt completely exhausted by the end but happy not to be excluded.

The soft play area was a little young for Jack but they were super strict about the height restrictions se he couldn’t join Sally in the older area.

Sallys favourite food for breakfast/lunch & dinner 😂.

They had a whole arcade which you didn’t have to pay for the games so Jack showed me his driving prowess 🏎️ I’m glad hes got a few more years before hes allowed to drive!

Such beautiful architecture in the buildings at the bottom of the cable car.

After a tough day in the office Sally & I went for our first ever spa together.

She was a little un nerved by the paper pants 😂 but said the massage reminded her of her Auntie Fitri ❤️.

Can you guess what Sally chose for her toes?!

Little Miss Pineapple 🍍

Hội An

We had a morning of home school and just general chillaxing before setting out to Hoi An as it looks most beautiful at night.

The kids braved the pool - it was blowing a gale and about 18degrees 🥶 the pool wasn’t heated 🥶🥶


Jack showing Sally how it’s done 😂

He only lasted a few minutes but Sally did a good half an hour of swimming.

Jon told be off for asking if Hoi An was akin to Blackpool illuminations 😂. It was beautiful just very very touristy.

The lanterns are just beautiful. Sally really wanted one for her bedroom at home - she chose a beautiful pink one with sunflowers on it. She paid for it herself. It’s been great to see her growing in confidence doing little tasks like this on holiday. She’s learnt how to communicate when you don’t speak each others language & made friends from Korea, NZ, Canada & Fiji ❤️

The river boats are all lit up which is just beautiful.

I took Sarah’s advice and went to a tailor. Jon drove a pretty hard bargain and I had a couple of pairs of trousers made. It’s amazing they only took 24hrs!

Jack was getting a little weary 😮‍💨

Cam Thanh Coconut Village

We had another quiet morning - Sally went to the kids club (she was the only child for 3 adults 😂). She made some beautiful paper flowers.

Jack wasn’t so keen so we hired a bike for him to use around the hotel grounds (more expensive per hour than a motorcycle for the day 😳) but given he’d not been able to ride in all the other places we’ve visited, it was great to be able to take him out.

He definitely gave us a good run around!

Jack’s technique for pressing the doorbell on our villa 🐒

We had a nice lunch out in the water coconut grove. It’s another wonderfully bizarre place where you can take a ride in a round coconut palm boat. Apparently they were made when historically the French imposed a tax on boats - these vessels were classed as baskets not boats so escaped the regulations.

Hoi An was packed with Korean tourists.

It looked like fun so we decided to give it a spin - literally 😂

Sally didn’t want to go in a boat with me as I wasn’t able to cope with much spinning - she was gutted when she was asked to sit in the middle.

It’s incredible the speed with which they could get these boats moving and I liked watching all the different paddling techniques.

Just when we thought it couldn’t get any more crazy boat with massive speakers turned up for some crazy karaoke 🎤. Sally was a star 🤩. I’m so proud that someone quite shy could do this.

The boat displays were brilliant.

Sally got her own white knuckle ride.

Don’t know who these two dudes were?

Jack was fascinated by the fishing net demonstration - it was hard to believe the net was thus big before it was thrown.

The water coconuts look nothing like coconuts nor taste like them.

That evening we headed back to Hoi An to pick up my tailoring after a little energy boost…

We found a cool sign. Sally loved Bali.

Watching the night come in was beautiful - I would say the sunset but it feels like a month since we saw any sun ⛅️!

Sally was getting a bit fed up with me photograph requests.

Jack just raised a white flag 🏳️

Da Nang

Time to leave ☹️. I loved our hotel and being located in Da Nang - it was tempting to stay in Hoi An but I was glad to be staying away from a tourist Mecca. If the weather had played ball I think it would have been even more incredible given the pool, beach and places to visit nearby. Definitely a place I want to come back to.

This time we’re on a 20hr train to Ho Chi Minh City/Saigon.

We got on the train at midday which meant we had a bit more daylight to enjoy the scenery. It was also less stressful getting on as the train stopped for 30mins & we were a bit more clued up on the set up. Jon managed to pack the handbike so it went under the seats giving us actual leg room.

In trip entertainment- the iPads came out shortly afterwards 😂

Food trolley - we were a bit more adventurous this time

Does phonics on a beer can count as homeschool…..asking for a friend.

See you in Saigon.

Ho Chi Minh City

Saigon - wow massive metropolis. I’ve never seen so many scooters/mopeds 😳. It has such a different feel to Hanoi - more business oriented and less of the cafe culture.

The bonus was that there were actual pavements that were useable with even some dropped curbs!

You did need to keep your eyes out for the odd motorcycle taking a short cut.

On our first day we went up to the 49th floor to get a feel for the city.

The kids tried out a cyclovelo

The building opposite has apparently been under construction for years.

We then went for lunch - Jack wasn’t feeling so adventurous today.

Ice cream in a coconut 😋

Our hotel was really well located. So we could walk to all of the local attractions.

Our hotel had a fab rooftop pool

The kids had just as much fun making dens as they did swimming!

We took a tour out to see the Chi Chi tunnels. On the way we stopped at an art factory which supported those affected by Agent Orange. Disability is so hidden in Vietnam I’m often met with quite curious stares. It must be so hard living in such an inaccessible environment.

The tunnels were surprisingly accessible. I could get around the whole area without too much difficulty thanks to my front wheel.

Jon tried a tunnel out for size.




Sally tried it out too

The demonstration of the traps was quite graphic but fortunately most of it went over Jack’s head.

A little light refreshment at the shooting range.

The trip was great but getting there/back was a bit of a mission - a couple of hrs each way so the kids were a little bit broken by the end.

To escape the traffic we went to a rooftop bar but Sally was in a bit of a grump.

The following evening I took Sally to the Bamboo Circus. Unfortunately the minimum age was 5 so Jack & Daddy went on a bus tour. It was such a shame as Jack would have absolutely loved it.

The show was a brilliant mix of circus and acrobatics. We really enjoyed ourselves.

We weren’t allowed to take pictures during the show but it was nice to just sit and take it all in.

Saigon at night is beautiful. There were huge preparations for the lunar new year - Tet.

A quick stop at a certain Golden Arches on the way home for some light refreshments!

Jack & Daddy did a city tour.

These kites were as big as cars.

They also stopped at Maccy D’s 😂

Rare moment of harmony on our last morning.

Cái Bè District

A little trip to explore the Mekong Delta. Jack was super excited to see the crane in action.

Even more so when he realised it was a floating crane.

Our home for the next couple of nights.

Jack’s taking it all in

Some of the sections are so wide you can’t see the banks.

We made a stop to visit a village and try some of the local fruits. Frontwheel on my wheelchair is essential for exploring Vietnam. Jack finds it a helpful footrest as well 😂. At least he kept me dry this trip!

The plants are so beautiful.

We were introduced to Jasmine Tea which is lovely.

The kids loved this cute puppy.

Sally couldn’t believe that these are the streets. Just wide enough for two scooters to pass.

Jack on the sun deck

Taking in all the industry and Mekong life was fascinating- yes it’s not got the beautiful scenery of Halong Bay but it’s much more interesting.

The evening is the only time you can sit around on the sun deck as it’s roasting hot!

Rare moment of child harmony.

Ships collecting rice husk. Apparently it’s used as a major source of fuel. It’s crazy to see these huge hoppers on the boats.

At one point they put the sides down on the sun deck which we thought was a little strange…

Until we saw the bridge!

A little snug

The boat crew gave the kids some crafting stuff and some Lego toy to keep them entertained.

I loved sitting out on deck.

We got our own private dining as the dining room was a staircase too far for me.

It was probably a good thing as the kids lowered the sophisticated tone somewhat.

Sallys brekkie choice 🤔

Ninh Kieu Wharf

We enjoyed a day trip to visit Vietnam‘s largest floating market - I was expecting small boats but it was actually huge boats that had travelled from all over the Mekong delta to sell their fresh produce.

Jack was particularly excited about another boat trip.

The amount of rubbish in the Mekong was so sad to see. A fisherman caught more plastic than fish 😥. The water comes all the way from the Tibetan Plateau and it’s not hard to see how many livelihoods it supports. I really hope cheap alternatives to polystyrene & plastic are found soon. We saw an ocean clean up boat which was quite cool.

Jack was very excited to see a crane on a boat.

The ships on the Mekong were massive although you could only appreciate this when they were empty.

This was effectively a wholesale market

Jon & kids visited a rice noodle factory.

To advertise what they were selling they put it on long poles. The variety was huge.

This weed was everywhere- it was sad as it combines with the rubbish like a net. It does produce the most stunning flowers though. Not sure if you can see it from this picture but the petals look a bit like peacock 🦚 feathers.

On the way back to the main boat Jack got to drive the boat - this didn’t just make his day - made his 2023 😁

Sally wasn’t a big fan of the dried fish market.

We then went back to the main boat for a bit more cruising. \240The boat was quite empty- just one other couple. It’s been sad to see the non-medical effects of covid.

In the afternoon we visited an on land market. It’s coming up to Tet - their main public holiday - the lunar new year.

There is a big custom of burning things to send to relatives that have died. They don’t burn actual things but paper copies - like mobile phones, sometimes houses and suits.

To add to our tally of boat varieties we got this ferry across the Mekong. As the motorbikes need to access it at least is was accessible although the ramp gave me a few extra grey hairs!

Can Tho Ecolodge

Our final morning on the boat was spent exploring some of the small canals.

The weed was pretty dense - don’t think I’ll complain so much about the weed in the Leam when I get back 😝

Jack was far too interested in the motor for pictures.

We then had a bike ride around the little islands. It was nice to justify lugging the bike around again.

It was pretty hot and the electric but got too hot at one point - this is I’m too hot 🥵 face.

We listened to some traditional music 🫤not sure I’m ready for a whole concert just yet.

Jack was super excited to discover Jackfruit!

We visited a traditional rice paper making factory.

And watched them pop rice.

Which the kids were absolutely fascinated by & would have watched it multiple times! They used the rice husks as the fuel.

Next we watched them make coconut sweets which were a bit like fudge.

Finally we went to a new farm & drank some honey tea - Jack named it Bee Tea - it reminded us of Little Gran - Jon’s late Gran ❤️

We said goodbye to the ship and headed for land. The ferry timetable to Phu Quoc didn’t quite align with our schedule so we had a stopover in Can Tho

It had an epic pool which the kids made the absolute most of - Jon & I did the same with Happy Hour 🍻

Can Gio Speed Ferry Terminal

Time for another cheeky adventure - this was the ferry from the mainland to Phu Quoc. Seemed simple in principle but it was absolute bedlam & there were loads of stairs & Jon had to try to wrestle with 2 suitcases, handbike & loopwheel bags plus get me, my chair & 4 rucksacks on board 🥵 in 30 degree midday sun.

The train had been a tad crazy but at least everyone is trying to get into different carriages and they had trolleys so Jon could cart the luggage more easily. Jon somehow pulled it off and Sally was an absolute trouper and we couldn’t have done it without her.

Jack was complaining that he couldn’t see out the windows….

He was pretty tired and stressed by the whole boarding process so kicked off a bit - thankfully this wore him out completely so he spent the next 2.5hrs like this:

We needent have bought him a seat 😂.

Thankfully Phu Quoc is a lovely paradise so it was absolutely worth it. Jon had found us an incredible room with sea view (I’d booked most of the hotels on this trip).

An extra Bonus was we could see the kids pool from our veranda!

And the sea!

Jack had his first proper sea swim - I was super proud of him because he’s sometimes quite afraid of new things - it was also a sign of how much his swimming has come on.

Cassia Cottage

10 days until we’re home 🥹. I can’t believe how quickly 3 months has gone!! I’m so glad I took this break.

I’m definitely not going to miss trying to squeeze our lives into two suitcases 😝. I’ve lost count of how many times we’ve packed up.

We decided to do no excursions here - just enjoy our beautiful surroundings as our last few days in Vietnam- definitely see you later rather than goodbye.

Sallys been missing her friends quite a lot - Jack’s not the best playmate at times. She was delighted to find some tomato soup - she’s been missing our friend Michelle’s soup - and burgers 🍔 that make us think of Yeva ❤️


Bye Vietnam but it’s absolute see you later. We really enjoyed our time here - the food is amazing and so varied.

The people are so kind and welcoming. Jack with his blond hair was a mini celebrity. Vietnam is not at all accessible but I was always treated with the utmost respect and every effort was made to help me access inaccessible places.

Oh man - worst airport experience ever. Just dumped off plane in an office chair for over 3hrs because plane had landed at domestic terminal rather than international one. No process for getting passengers unable to do stairs off the plane despite the fact this was on the ticket I booked.

We were left in a booking hot airbridge until the Thai tourist police took pity and carried me down the stairs. We got a brief period a bit further down the airbridge where it was a little cooler but only for about 20mins 🥵

Thankfully our wonderful friend Maroot waited at the airport for nearly 5hrs until we finally met and we were able to put this experience behind us.

Tuk & Maroot are such wonderful hosts ❤️

Their housing complex had a great pool which the kids loved.

They introduced us to some delicious Thai food that we’d not tried before. \240

After our lunch we went to the river to watch the sunset and see some of the displays celebrating Chinese New Year 🧧 🐇

Jon & I had a trip down memory lane as we stayed here nearly 20 years ago!

Part of the display included a cool snake where you could scan a QR code and chose it’s colour. Can you guess who chose the pink….?

There was also a very cool fountain display.

Jack liked this rabbit.

The dragon was unbelievably long

We wondered if there was a red lantern for each day of the year!

On the ferry across the river.

After the fountains show we went on a cruise down the river.

The kids enjoyed a cheeky mocktail.

Bangkok at night was stunning.

We enjoyed some traditional Thai dancing although Jack was a bit scared of the masks.

The kids were so cute but we totally wore them out ❤️

After a fab few days in Bangkok we travelled to Koh Samui with Tuk & Maroot. This was absolutely brilliant as we enjoyed a view of Thailand through local eyes rather than western tourist eyes.

Not sure Jack should have got the window seat….

The flight was with Bangkok airways who were lovely after my rubbish experience with Vietjet.

Our hotel was fab - we’d chosen it because it had bunk beds for the kids and a cool splash area to keep cool in. It didn’t disappoint!

Not quite sure the business centre was meant for Roblox but the kids enjoyed it 😏

The splash zone was brilliant and the kids spent hours here.

The main pool had a bar and a slide #Winner 🍻

It was right on the beach but the local bars & restaurants were within easy rolling distance.

Maroot & Tuk introduced us to new food again - southern Thai food is different to northern

Sally did try some new foods but there was a lot do pizza and pasta consumed!

And watermelon 🍉 juice!

There was an exciting fire show on the beach. Which was a great way to end the night.

Bo Put

Koh Samui was the perfect place to relax. Sharing our time with Maroot & Tuk was amazing. Jon and Maroot did their MBA together in Maastricht in 2006 we’ve managed to catch up a few times since then but never for a whole week 😁.

Eat, drink, sleep & repeat!!

Oreo ice cream made from real Oreo’s 😋

Jack got some new Thomas goggles. I’m so proud of how his swimming has progressed. He now jumps in independently.

There was a great night market which served lovely street food and souvenirs oh and cocktails & live band!

We went to a different beach with the hope of some surfing/watersports but the waves were huge. Jack and Sally named the ones that go over your head ‘overhead lockers’.

Jack made some tasty looking sand sushi 🍱 using nothing but sand and leaves. It’s amazing how his imagination can make so much from so little!

Sally spent about 5hrs in the sea being battered by the huge waves.

She taught herself to dive under them.

Jon & Maroot had to check if the beer tasted the on this side of the island…

Sally & Tuk had such a special bond. Sallys been quite homesick at times but that completely went away during our time with them ❤️

Mu Ko Ang Thong National Marine Park

We had an early start for a trip to a marine national park.

There was plenty of time for fun on the beach and we enjoyed some more kayaking.

Jack looked in the pilot’s cabin every time he walked past. Maroot asked if he could sit in the driving seat which made his year!!

We had brought some snacks for the trip - Jack’s favourite were squid 🦑 flavoured - for once we left him with a packet to himself. 😜

Jack enjoyed a cheeky Power Nap on the way home.


Our 5 nights on Koh Samui absolutely flew by. We went back to Maroot & Tuk’s house in Bangkok for the last two days of our trip.

We went to the royal palace but it had closed early to we went to the temples instead.


Maroot & Tuk arranged for a special early birthday celebration for Sally.

We went to an incredible seafood restaurant where Sally ate her body weight in clams and we had lobster & mud crab that was delicious.


Oh man. The end 😭

Maroot & Tuk made sure we got to the airport with our crazy amount of baggage.

This was the absolute perfect end to our trip ❤️. See you in Blighty